Image Processing Applications


Application Tutorials

Gradient Magnitude
Find Seeds
Watershed Segmentation
Simple Hilite
Median vs Average Filter
Calculations on Labelings
Difference of Gaussians
Overlay RGB
Interactive Segmentation View
Spot Detection
3D Segmentation
Morphological Image Operations
RGB Images
Color Management

Node Tutorials

Image Calculator
Image Reader


KNIME Python Extensions




Measure Distances

This workflow shows how to calculate the distances between a selected label/region of intereset ("roi") and all the other rois within a image segmentation. Here, Euclidean distance is used but can be replaced by any other coordinate-based distance metric.

Measure Lengths

This workflow shows how you can measure an object's length in y-dimension f(x) for each x-value it spans. This can, of course, be generalized for measuring in any dimension.
The workflow also calculates the change of length as a backward difference f(x) - f(x-1).

DoG Node

This tutorial introduces an image enhancement algorithm that substracts a blurred version of an image from a lower blurred version of the original image to emphasize edges and details in images.

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